
First Time Buyer Advice

Things to Consider When Deciding on a Pool:

Choosing a pool is no easy decision - these days there’s a swimming pool that’s right for virtually every individual or family looking to add the distinct lifestyle advantage of a backyard vacation to their home or property. Radiant Pools offers options for everyone, including aboveground, semi-inground and inground styles. So how do you decide which style works best for you?

The answer isn’t easy, because there are considerations that make each pool an attractive option. Generally, the aboveground versus inground decision relies on four basic factors:

Budget: While either type of pool can add both aesthetic and intrinsic value to your home, there is a significant price difference between most aboveground and inground options. Aboveground pools generally cost much less than traditional concrete, fiberglass or vinyl liner inground pools.

Installation and Style: What kind of landscape do you have? Is your yard on a slope? Is the terrain rocky? Do you have deed or neighborhood restrictions? It’s very important to consider all your limitations as well as the possibilities when planning your backyard pool. Radiant Pools offers installation options and alternatives to address whatever challenges arise when choosing right pool for your property. It’s always best to know what you can and can’t do before you make your investment.

Size and Shape: When adding a swimming pool, you must consider two areas: The available lot space on your property for the addition of a pool, and the area of the pool itself in relation to that space. Are there any local zoning limitations to consider? How will the pool look once installed?  Will the pool be a pleasing addition to your existing lot, or will it completely dominate your available space?


Things To Do Before You Purchase Your Pool

Here’s a strong beginning checklist of reminders to execute on your own or with your pool builder before investing in your backyard vacation.

Check the code first: Before heading down the road to owning a swimming pool, be sure to check with your local building code enforcement office to determine what can (and sometimes cannot) be added to your property. Each township, borough or county will likely have restrictions on proximity to property lines, utilities, safety or zoning restrictions, even mandatory green ordinances that could limit the size or style of your swimming pool. Knowing what your locality allows will help you define limits for your new swimming pool.

Research is key and information is free: Whether it’s on a website, in a showroom, or via literature and videos provided by a swimming pool contractor or manufacturer, there’s never been more information available about swimming pools and swimming pool installation. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the styles of pools available to you, the maintenance associated with those pools, and the general process of pool installation as well as the bottom line initial price of the swimming pool and installation.

Don’t sacrifice quality for price: You’re making a significant investment in your property. There’s no substitute for a quality-choosing the pool that’s priced right for you is only half the battle. Be sure to look at the duration of the warranty. Look at long term costs for operating, maintaining, and replacing all or parts of the pools.