
Frequently Asked Questions Involving Filters

DE Filters

Why does my filter pressure rise very quickly, even after backwashing?-  D.E. filters filter the water down to 1-3 microns, every time the DE Filter.jpgwater passes through the filter. Maintain a balanced clear pool and this will reduce incidents of rapid pressure rise. One possibility is that the filter grids or Flex tubes are clogged with minerals or oils. You should clean your grids once a year, or season, with a degreaser and if needed an acid bath. Minerals and oils embed themselves in the fabric of the filter and reduce the available surface area used for filtering.

How do I add DE and how often do I need to change my DE?- DE is added through the skimmer with the pump running. Each filter has a different requirement of DE. At initial start up or after a thorough cleaning, the filter will need to be pre-coated with DE. The filter label will state the amount of DE required.  Start the pump and once the pump is fully primed, measure the DE using a DE scoop, part # EC10SC. Slowly add the DE into the skimmer. The pump will draw in the DE and send it into the filter, where it coats the grids or Flex tubes. Once all the DE is added, take a reading of the filter’s pressure gauge. This is the clean starting pressure of the filter.

Sand Filters

Why is there sand at the bottom of my pool?-  The sand you are using could be too small.  Sand that is too small can travel through the laterals in the bottom of your filter and back to the pool.  #20 silica sand, .45-.55mm in size, is required.  This can be obtained at your local Hayward dealer.
 Prior to adding sand, remember to always remove a lateral (it unthreads) from the lateral assembly at the bottom of the filter.  Try putting some of the sand you are going to add inside the lateral.  Other than debris sand (fines), 99% of the sand should stay inside the lateral.  If most of the sand comes through the holes of the lateral, the sand is too small.Your pump may be too large or the sand level too high in the filter.  When the filter is backwashing the water flow can cause the sand to rise high enough and overflow into the standpipe, which will allow the sand back into the pool.Sand Filter.jpg

When do I need to replace my sand?- On average, sand should be replaced every 3-5 years. This may be longer if the pool stays clear, or shorter, if the filter runs all the time. The jagged edges of the sand wear down and become smooth as the sand ages. When this happens the sand can no longer trap debris particles and dirt can pass through the sand and back into the pool.
 If the pool is chemically balanced, the system is running the proper length of time and the bather load is normal, but the water will not clear, even using a flocculant or clarifier, then the sand needs changing.
 As the sand ages, it may start to clump and the water flow can form channels in the sand, allowing the debris to pass through. Channeling is often seen when the pump horsepower is too large and wants to move too much water through the filter.

Cartridge Filters

How do I clean my cartridges?- The cartridges should be cleaned once a season with a degreaser or acid bath.
 Body oils are the first thing to clog a cartridge element. A degreasing solution should be used to remove oils. If an acid bath is used to remove oils, it will embed these oils into the fabric and make the element less effective. You local Hayward dealer should have a cartridge cleaner or you can use a mixture of laundry detergent and water.
1-cup detergent to 5 gallons of water. Dissolve the detergent in a bucket of water and soak the element(s) for 24 hours. YOU MUST THOROUGHLY RINSE THE ELEMENTS PRIOR TO REINSTALLING THEM INTO THE FILTER. IF YOU DON’T THE POOL WILL FILL WITH SOAP BUBBCartridge Filter.jpgLES.
 An acid bath is for mineral deposits on the elements. If an acid bath is needed, do a degreasing wash first, then the acid treatment. Start off with a mixture of 1 part acid to 5 parts water in a bucket. ALWAYS add acid to water, never water to acid. If the mixture does not clean the elements effectively, increase the mixture to 2 parts acid to 5 parts water. Follow the proper disposal of the acid mixture, as per the acid manufacturer’s instructions.