
5 Reasons to Consider an Above Ground Pool

With summer around the corner, are you day-dreaming of cool drinks waterside? It’s a time of year that conjures up images of backyard barbeques, suntanning and refreshing pool dips.

But what if you don’t have a pool?

If you’re in such a position, here are some reasons to consider getting an above ground pool.


1)    Price!

This is perhaps one of the largest incentives to consider an above ground pool. At bare minmum, you can expect to pay at least 20k to have an inground pool installed. But, including a deck, you’re looking at spending anywhere from 30k to 70k.


That’s a significant chunk of change to pay. Especially if you live in parts of the country where using your pool isn’t an option throughout the Fall and Winter months.


Above ground pools, on the other hand, range from 4k-12k, but are sometimes as low as 1k. Beyond this, they often require less maintenance. So, you can expect to save money in that regard as well. You can enjoy your pool without such a large buy-in. What would you use that extra money for? Maybe a vacation? Or perhaps put it towards your kids’ college fund!


2)    Very quick install

An inground pool installations take from 6-8 weeks. Poor weather can further delay the process. Meaning, some of the most optimal months to install an inground pool are during the warmer months. 6-8 weeks is two months of having your backyard torn up when all you want to be doing is enjoying that precious sun and Summer weather while you can—preferably poolside.


The potential solution to this conundrum is opting instead for an above ground pool. One of the advantages of an above ground pool is they only take a few days to be installed. So you can spend more time enjoying the cool water and less time staring at an unsightly hole in your backyard.


3)    They come in a variety of styles, sizes, and can be customized!

There is a common misconception that above ground pools are small and unappealing looking.

We’re here to tell you that is not the case. You can select an oval, round, sometimes even rectangular shaped above ground pool so it can best fit the look and geography of your backyard. If you’re desperate to have a big pool, rest assured that an above ground pools can match, even beat, the size of many inground pool. In fact, a 30’ round above ground pool has a large area than that of an 18x36 inground pool.

With the addition of a deck and the right décor, an above ground pool can look like chic and even resort-like. Don’t let people fool you into thinking that an above ground pool can’t compete with an inground pool in terms of tastefulness!


4)    Above ground pools are backyard-egalitarian

Not everyone has a backyard conducive to an inground pool! Maybe the soil is too rocky, or perhaps you live in an older city. If that’s the case, you might not be able to excavate the ground-- the rock is too dense or there are too many important pieces of city infrastructure lurking beneath the ground. If you should find yourself in such a situation, I’m here to tell you that you need not go pool-less. An above ground pool can be installed in nearly any backyard because it does not require any digging!


5)    You can have your cake and eat it too

Perhaps you are someone who likes to have options. You want a pool for the summer, but in a few years, it might be nice to prioritize the land in your backyard for a garden. Maybe you’re thinking of having kids. It would be nice to be able to use that space for a playset.

Unfortunately, if you have an inground pool, uninstalling it is both very costly and requires a significant amount of time.

An above ground pool allows you to have the flexibility to change your backyard to meet your current needs when you need it. You can quickly, easily and cheaply have it removed.