
Making the Most of Your Backyard During Quarantine

We are living through some very strange times right now. During this pandemic, where many of us are working from home and rarely leaving the house, it is almost impossible to not feel some degree of restlessness or cabin fever. If you have a backyard, it’s time to put it to use. Get in as much nature and fresh air as possible. It will do your mind and body good.

With this is in mind, we would like to offer you some ideas about how you might best be utilizing your backyard, and perhaps find new ways to entertain your family and maybe even connect with friends—from a safe distance of course.


Family Grilling

With schools closed and many working from home, we are presented with the unique opportunity to spend a lot of time with our families. Although it might be tempting to plop down on the couch and watch television together, try doing activities that are stimulating for the mind and help foster connection with one another. Sharing food is one of the oldest and most human activities, so why not try cooking together? Learning how to cook teaches your young ones to have a sense of ownership over what they’re eating and can help them develop a healthy relationship with food as they grow older. Better yet, marry the backyard and food preparation and do some family grilling. Taking it to the grill is great because it gets everyone outside. It might seem frustrating that you can’t just run to the grocery store for supplies, but this limitation presents a challenge for you to get creative. What do you already have? What unique combinations can you throw together to make something delicious? If you need some extra inspiration, here’s a list some kid-friendly grilling recipes to get the brain-juices flowing:


Host a Video Conference Cocktail Hour & Dinner Party

Many people are feeling the effects of the quarantine on their social life. It’s easy to feel lonely right now or long for the days when it was easy to meet your friends for a quick nip at the local bar. We are here to suggest a safer alternative to a night out on the town with your pals. Grab your laptop or phone and take it to your patio. Have dinner and drinks with your loved ones with the power of video conferences. We realize it’s not exactly the same as seeing them face to face, but it might just be the perfect salve to keep you going. Make it feel more like you’re all in the same space together by encouraging all your friends to make the same meal and cocktail. As you all sit on your respective patios enjoying your food and drink, you can compare notes. How’d theirs’ come out?


Open your Pool Early

Did you know there are studies that show people who spend time around water have improved mental and physical health? We could all probably do with a boost to our emotional and physical well-beings. It might seem a little early to open your pool, but given the circumstances, it could be just the thing to positively shake things up. Give yourself and your children something fun to do besides sitting around indoors. You can order the pool opening kits online (we actually sell some!). Forewarning: the water might be a little chilly. But if that is a major deterrent, consider investing in a pool heater (which we also offer online!).

We’ve all been having to find new ways of staying active. Opening your pool early has the added bonus of being a great source of physical activity. Swimming works out every major muscle group in the body. Maybe it’s time to try out water aerobics!



As a final note, we would like to just say we’re thankful for your support during these trying times. We sincerely hope that you and yours are doing as well as possible. Everyone is in this together.  #inthistogether